Tuesday, November 30, 2010

IPOMS-APICS SAP SCM130 Manufacturing Planning and Execution Overview (SAP PP)


SCM130 Manufacturing Planning and Execution Overview


* 5 Sessions

Course Goals

* This course will prepare you to:
* Provide an overview of the fundamental concepts and procedures
of production planning within SAP R/3.
* Gain an overview of the production types supported by mySAP
Supply Chain Management.

Target Audience

* Project team members and key users responsible for implementing
production planning with SAP R/3


* SAP01 SAP Overview or
* SAPSCM mySAP Supply Chain Management Solution Overview

Software Component(s) and Release(s)


Course Content

* Overview of the planning process within SAP R/3
* Overview of the master and transaction data relevant to
production planning
* Overview of Master Planning using CO-PA Planning, Sales and
Operations Planning, and Flexible Planning
* Overview of Long-Term Planning (LTP)
* Overview of Master production scheduling (MPS)
* Introduction to Materials Requirements Planning (MRP)
* Introduction to Capacity evaluations
* Integration with Manufacturing execution
* Outlook on Advanced Planning with SAP SCM (APO)
* Order-controlled production with production orders
* Order-controlled production with process orders
* Repetitive manufacturing
* Further selected shop floor control

Pusat Studi ERP Indonesia

Komputer & Teknologi
Tingkatkan SDM IT Indonesia

Recent Activity:
Indonesian Production and  Operations Management Society (IPOMS).

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