Tuesday, June 28, 2011

[Job-Vacancy] Fw: Career at Marbella

From: M J Rasyid [mailto:mjrasyid@marbella.co.id]
Sent: 14 Juni 2011 13:21
To: Arzanela K. Kuncoro
Cc: Bernhard Kammerlohr; Rita - Executive Office; 'Ryan Sungkar'; Santi HRD; 'Paula Purba'
Subject: Career at Marbella







Thank you and Best regards,


M.J. Rasyid

Human Resources Manager

UPDATED LOGO - Anyer (1)

Hotel Address                                                                                      Jakarta Sales Office

Jl. Raya Karang Bolong Km. 135, Desa Bandulu                        Marbella Kemang Residence 1st Fl, # 12,16
Anyer, Banten 42466                                                          Jl. Bangka Raya 45 A, Pela Mampang – Jakarta Selatan
INDONESIA                                                                     INDONESIA

Phone. +62. 254. 602-345 ~ Fax. +62. 254. 602-346                 Phone: +62.21.7179 5914 ~ Fax. +62.21-7179 5915
Email: mjrasyid@marbella.co.id                                               Email : sales@marbella.co.id 
Website: www.marbellaanyer.com                                         Website: www.marbellaanyer.com

Marbella Hotel, Convention and Spa,  Anyer, is the finest resort and the only 5 - Star Hotel in Anyer – Indonesia and offers first class facilities combined with the famed hospitality of the Bantenese people. The serenity, elegance and hospitality of Marbella Hotel, Convention & Spa,  make it a perfect combination for business and leisure.

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