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Indonesian Production and Operation Management Society (IPOMS) – Group Study Bogor (GSB) sebuah organisasi nirlaba yang mencoba untuk ikut mencerdaskan bangsa dan menaikan daya saing Sumber Daya Manusia Indonesia melalui keilmuan di bidang Manajemen Produksi, Operasi dan Inventory kembali hadir untuk menyelenggarakan Study Group dengan tema Dasar- Dasar Supply Chain Management dari referensi utama Buku Introduction to Material Management karangan J.R.Tony Arnold , Stephen N. Chapman, dengan agenda dibawah :
Saturday, May 28, 2011 09.00 — 11.00 wib Introduction to Material Management and Production Planning System Ir.Fajar Hidayat, CPIM, MScM 11.00 — 12.00 wib Master Scheduling & Material Requirement Planning Ir.Fajar Hidayat, CPIM, MScM 12.00 – 12.45 wib Break ( Praying and lunch) 12.45 — 13.45 wib Master Scheduling & Material Requirement Planning Ir.Fajar Hidayat, CPIM, MScM 13.45 — 16.00 wib Inventory Fundamental Hilfus Syabab,ASCM,CPIM,CSCP — Saturday, June 4, 2011 09.00 — 11.00 wib Production Activity Control and Capacity Management Rizal Arryadi,ST,MSIE,MSCS,CPIM,CSCP 11.00 — 12.00 wib Just in Time Manufacturing and Total Quality Management Rizal Arryadi,ST,MSIE,MSCS,CPIM,CSCP 12.00 – 12.45 wib Break ( Praying and lunch) 12.45 — 13.45 wib Just in Time Manufacturing and Total Quality Management Ir. Fajar Hidayat,MScM, CPIM 13.45 — 16.00 wib Physical Inventory, Physical Distribution and Warehouse Management Hilfus Syabab,ASCM,CPIM,CSCP —- Saturday, June 11, 2011 09.00 — 11.00 wib Products and Processes Iwan Nova,MBA, CPIM,CSCP 11.00 — 12.00 wib Purchasing and Forecasting Iwan Nova,MBA, CPIM,CSCP 12.00 – 12.45 Break ( Praying and lunch) 12.45 — 13.45 wib Purchasing and Forecasting Iwan Nova,MBA, CPIM,CSCP 13.45 — 16.00 wib Order Quantity and Independent Demand Ordering System Iwan Nova,MBA, CPIM,CSCP
TEMPAT STIE TRIGUNA BOGOR , Jl Siliwangi no 97 Sukasari – Bogor (Jalur ke STIE TRIGUNA bisa dilihat dibawah) BIAYA 1. Untuk mengikuti kursus selama 3 hari sekaligus Rp. 1.300.000 ,- 2. Untuk mengikuti per hari Rp. 500.000 ,- ( Ada diskon 15% untuk anggota IPOMS dengan menunjukan bukti keanggotaan IPOMS) Biaya kursus bisa ditransfer ke Rekening BCA a.n. Anang Yudi Riswanto, No. Rekening 4060324544 (BCA Cab. Cileungsi Bogor) FASILITAS - Makalah (Soft and hard copy) - Makan siang dan snack - Sertifikat Untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi : 1. Anang YR Email : [ ] / yudi.riswanto@ id.pvmgrp. com , HP :0813-10385410 2. Robby Novricanus email : [ robby_n@ nutrifood. ] / HP: 0816-1695164 REGISTRATION FORM Please fill this form, send to Yudi.riswanto@ id.pvmgrp. com,, [robby_n@nutrifood.], Name : Company/University : Posisi / Dept. : Address : Phone/Mobile : E-mail Address : Payment Date : Kami tunggu partisipasi anda semua. Terima kasih Best Regards, Anang Yudi Riswanto. Koordinator IPOMS Bogor
Topics Training BSCM. First Day Introduction to Material Management and Production Planning System : 1. Operating Environment 2. The Supply Chai Concept 3. What is Material Management? 4. Supply Chain Metrics 5. Manufacturing planning and control system 6. Sales and operations planning (SOP) 7. Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II) 8. Entreprise Resource Planning (ERP) 9. Making the production plan. Master Schedulling 1. Relationship to production plan 2. Developing a master production schedule. 3. Production planning, master scheduling and sales. Master Requirement Planning 1. Bills of material 2. Material requirement planning process 3. Using the material requirements plan Second Day Capacity Management 1. Definition of capacity 2. Capacity planning 3. Capacity requirements planning 4. Capacity available 5. Capacity required 6. Schdulling orders 7. Making the plan JIT and TQM: 1. Just in time philosophy 2. Waste 3. JIT environment 4. Manufacturing planning and control in a JIT environment 5. Lean production 6. TQM 7. Quality cost concepts 8. Variation as a way of life 9. Process capability 10. Process control 11. Benchmarking Production activity control 1. Data requirement 2. Order preparation 3. Scheduling 4. Load leveling 5. Schedule bottlenecks 6. Theory of constraints and drum buffer rope 7. Implementation 8. Control 9. Production reporting. Thirth Day Purchasing and forcasting 1. Functional specification description 2. Selecting suppliers 3. Price determination 4. Impack of material requirements planning and purchasing 5. Some organization implications of supply chain management 6. Demand management 7. Charactreristics of demand 8. Principles of forcasting 9. Collecting and preparation data 10. Forcasting techniques. 11. Seasonality. 12. Tracking the forcast. Inventory fundamentals and ordering systems. 1. Aggregate inventory management 2. Item inventory management 3. Inventory and the flow of material 4. Supply and demand patterns 5. Functions of inventories 6. Objectives of inventory management 7. Inventory cost 8. Financial statement and inventory 9. ABC inventory control 10. Economic order quantity (EOQ) 11. Variations of the EOQ model 12. Periode order quantity (POQ) 13. Determining safety stock 14. Determining service levels 15. Periodic review system 16. Distribution inventory Physical Inventory, Warehouse Management, Product and Process: 1. Warehousing management 2. Physical control and security 3. Inventory record accuracy 4. Physical distribution system 5. Transportations cost element 6. Material handling 7. Multi warehouse systems 8. Need for new products 9. Product development principles 10. Process design 11. Selecting process 12. Continuous process improvement Rute ke STIE Triguna Bogor : Untuk menuju ke STIE Triguna kalau dari Jl. Raya Pajajaran menuju Tajur, putar balik di ujung sebelum traffic light (dekat Ekalokasari Plaza), kemudian belok kiri ke arah Asinan Gedong Dalem (atau Martabak Mungil), di ujung jalan tersebut (Jl. Sukasari) harus belok kiri, setelah pom bensin sebelah kiri itulah lokasi gedung STIE Triguna. Harus hati2 sebelum dan sesudah pom bensin banyak angkot dan L300 ngetem (biasanya macet). Atau Dari terminal Baranangsiang ( Bogor ), naik angkot 13 yang ke arah Ramayana, lalu turun di Bogor Plaza . Dari Bogor Plaza naik angkot 02 Sukasari, lalu turun di depan kampus STIE Triguna (dekat pom bensin sukasari). Ini rute macet. Atau Dari terminal Baranangsiang, naik angkot 09 yang ke arah Sukasari, lalu turun setelah angkot putar balik. Jalan sedikit ke arah Roti Unyil atau Martabak Mungil. Kampus STIE Triguna berada di sebelah kanan jalan
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