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kami sampaikan Informasi Training PHP, JAVA, CISCO dan ORACLE
yang akan kami selenggarkan pada tanggal 09-20 MEI (WAKTU TENTATIVE)
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1.PHP Basic
Objective: Able to build a simple web-based PHP application using MySQL as
database. Emphasis is given over to introducing the basics of PHP and MySQL in
full, to help find out how to build Web applications of small-medium scale
properly using PHP..
The chapters in Basic PHP Module:
1.1. Logic Programming PHP
1.2. PHP Programming Basics
1.3. PHP Flow Control
1.4. PHP Array
1.5. PHP Functions
1.6. Form management with PHP
1.7. String Manipulation
1.8. Introduction to Database
1.9. Introduction to MySQL
1.10. Basic MySQL Data Manipulation
1:11. MySQL Advanced Data Select
1:13. Basic Regular Expression
1.14. Cookies and Session
1:15. PHP Email
1:16. File Handling
2. CakePHP
CakePHP is free and open sources PHP development framework which is the basic
structure provided for programmers to build web-based application (Web
Application) with the purpose of facilitating the programmer to build an
application with the application quickly without sacrificing flexibility.
CakePHP supports many features that really help you in building a web
application such as:
* Flexible licensing
* Compatible with versions 4 and 5 of PHP
* Integrated CRUD for database interaction
* Application scaffolding
* Code generation
* MVC architecture
* Request dispatcher with a clean, custom URLs and routes
* Built-in validation
* Fast and flexible templating (PHP syntax, with helpers)
* View Helpers for AJAX, JavaScript, HTML Forms and more
* Email, Cookies, Security, Session, and Request Handling Components
* Flexible ACL (Access List)
* Data Sanitization
* Flexible Caching
* Localization
* Works from any web site directory, with little to no Apache configuration
* Active, friendly community
The chapters in CakePHP:
1. Introduction to CakePHP
2. Developing basic Principles
3. Common Task
4. Core Components
5. Core Behaviors
6. Core Helpers
7. Core Utility Libraries
8. Core Console Application
9. Deployment
10. Tutorials
3.Java Web Programming
Able to create a simple Web application using one of the Java application
framework. Emphasis is given over to technical understanding JavaEE-based Web
programming which consists of three tiers: presentation-tier, business-tier and
data-tier by using Struts framework.
Java Programming Introduction and Java Enterprise Edition (opsional).
Course Outline:
1. Introduction to Web Application Technologies
* Web Application Technologies
* Java Platform Enterprise Edition 5
* Web Sites and Web Applications
* Java Servlets
* Java Server Pages Technology
* Web Application Three-Tier Architecture
* Movel-View-Controller Architecture
2. Developing a View Component
* Designing a View Component
* HTTP Revisited
* Web Container Architecture
* Developing a Simple HTTP Servlet
* Configuring and Deploying a Servlet
3. Developing a Controller Component
* Designing Controller Components
* Creating an HTML Form
* How Form Data Is Sent in an HTTP Request
* Developing a Controller Servlet
* Dispatching From the Controller to a View
4. Developing Dynamic Forms
* Servlet Life Cycle Overview
* Using Initialization Parameter to Customize Form
* Handling Errors in a Web Form
* Repopulating Web Forms
5. Sharing Application Resources Using the Servlet Context
* Purpose of the Servlet Context
* Developing a Servlet Context Listener
6. Designing the Business Tier
* Describing the Analysis Model
* Domain Entities
* Designing a Service Component
7. Developing Web Applications Using Struts
* Struts Framework
* Developing a Struts Action Class
* Configuring the Struts Action Mappings
8. Developing Web Applications Using Session Management
* HTTP and Session Management
* Designing Web Applications to Use Session Management
* Using Session Management in a Web Application
* Using Cookies for Session Management.
* Using URL-Rewriting for Session Management
9. Using Filters in Web Applications
* Web Container Request Cycle
* Filter API
* Developing a Filter Class
* Configuring the Filter
10. Integrating Web Applications With Databases
* Mapping Sample Data Structures into Database Entities
* Designing a Web Application
* Developing a Web Application Using a Database
11. Developing JSP Pages
* JavaServer Pages Technology
* Writing JSP Scripting Elements
* Using Directives
* Using Standard Tags
* Using Expression Language Elements
* Configuring the JSP Environment
12. Developing JSP Pages Using Custom Tags
* Designing JSP Pages with Custom Tag Libraries
* Using a Custom Tag Library in JSP Pages
13. Developing Web Applications Using Struts Action Forms
* Struts Application Components
* Developing an ActionForm Class
* Developing the JSP Code for a View Form
* Configuring the View Forms
14. Building Reusable Web Presentation Components
* Complex Page Layouts
* Including JSP Page Segments
* Developing Layouts Using Struts Tiles
4. Oracle 10G Database Administration I
Course Outline:
* Introduction
* Installing Oracle Database 10g Software
* Create an Oracle Database
* Database interfaces
* Controlling the database
* Storage Structures
* Administering users
* Managing Schema Objects
* Managing Data
* Oracle Database Security
* Oracle Net Services
* Oracle Shared Server
* Performance Monitoring
* Proactive Maintenance: Objectives
* Undo Management
* Monitoring and Resolving Lock Conflicts
* Backup and Recovery Concepts
* Database backups
* Database Recovery
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