Friday, September 4, 2009

This is to notify you that you have been officially chosen by the

MICROSOFT ONLINE PROMO Board of Trustees as one of the

final Recipients of a Grant/Donation of 1,000,000.00GBP (One Million

Great Britain Pounds) for Economic Growth and a Poverty Alleviation

Scheme Through your email. A Multi-Million Pounds NGO Group was

established with the Objective of Human Growth, Educational and Community Development.

Note that emails were acquired from a World Wide Web search and your

email appeared in our random ballot system selection with REF. NO:

BTD/968/06, CHIP NO: 9465206.So you are to Contact the MICROSOFT

ONLINE PROMOTIONS claims agent with your full details so that your

cheque can be issued out in your names for claims.

1: Names,2:Address,3:Nationality, 4:Occupations,5: Age, 6: Sex
7: Phone Number

Barrister Jefferson Donalds

Yours Sincerely,
Mrs. Rita Shawn
On-Line Coordinator, Microsoft Mega Jackpot Lottery.

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